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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wesolowski Sexual Abuse Case a New Approach or Same Old Same Old? | Religion Dispatches

Wesolowski Sexual Abuse Case a New Approach or Same Old Same Old? | Religion Dispatches

one boy had epilepsy and weslowski gave him medication...truly ...truly evil...if true and of course he has not yet been found guilty!

On a roll in the Holy Land, Legion compares Maciel to Magdalene | National Catholic Reporter

On a roll in the Holy Land, Legion compares Maciel to Magdalene | National Catholic Reporter

40 million for a conservative catholic centre in the Holy Land ...and Maciel is a 'Mary Magdalene'...on yes ?  and satan is Jesus I suppose.

a disgrace and dishonour to all those Maciel abused, to Mary Magdala, To Jesus ....will Catholics ever 'get it'!

and this pops up on my facebook page on the day for equality for women's Gods!

Polish archbishop appeals defrocking for sexual abuse: Vatican | Reuters

Polish archbishop appeals defrocking for sexual abuse: Vatican | Reuters

For Nuncio Accused of Abuse, Dominicans Want Justice at Home, Not Abroad -

For Nuncio Accused of Abuse, Dominicans Want Justice at Home, Not Abroad -

It's time the Vatican STATE (sic) lost it's 'statehood'.  The farce of a RELIGION owning a small bit of Roman Land calling itself a STATE is way past it's sell by date.

Absolutely farcical....

maybe I should declare my house and land a 'state'.  Maybe we should have a SURVIVORS state!?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Vatican Refuses to Cooperate with Australian Child Abuse Commission, Calls it ‘Unreasonable’ - International Business Times

Vatican Refuses to Cooperate with Australian Child Abuse Commission, Calls it ‘Unreasonable’ - International Business Times

so please tell me what the point is of

a) victims sitting on the new Vatican 'commission on child abuse'

b) victims having breakfast with the Pope/meeting the Pope

c) apologies from Francis

double standards, hypocrisy.

For Nuncio Accused of Abuse, Dominicans Want Justice at Home, Not Abroad -

For Nuncio Accused of Abuse, Dominicans Want Justice at Home, Not Abroad -

ann Kennedy & margaret Kennedy

I hope you will not mind if I post our appeal for donations on this page. (This is a blog I set up)

As you may know we are BOTH clergy sexual abuse survivors and now have a neuro-muscular disease . this means we need to use wheelchairs.  The Irish Health Service is very poor indeed and the wheelchairs they have given us are absolutely AWFUL!

So we are trying to raise funds for DECENT powered wheelchairs.

This facebook page gives all the details.  Please share as best you can.

Many many thanks

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Bishop of Gloucester quizzed by police over historic indecent assault claims against a woman and girl (From Gazette Series)

Bishop of Gloucester quizzed by police over historic indecent assault claims against a woman and girl (From Gazette Series)

Poor Glos now they've had TWO bishops alleged to be sex offenders!

Bishop of Gloucester questioned by police over indecent assault allegations - Telegraph

Bishop of Gloucester questioned by police over indecent assault allegations - Telegraph

now out in open. these are the 'personal reasons' for stepping down.

it would have been better if the Church simply told the truth!

‘Monumental shift’ in Rome on clerical child sexual abuse issue

‘Monumental shift’ in Rome on clerical child sexual abuse issue

Do we all AGREE?

BBC News - Bishop of Tewkesbury to take up Bishop of Gloucester's duties

BBC News - Bishop of Tewkesbury to take up Bishop of Gloucester's duties

Bishop of Gloucester Rt Rev Michael Perham steps down after 10 years in role | Western Daily Press

Bishop of Gloucester Rt Rev Michael Perham steps down after 10 years in role | Western Daily Press

Nice 'cover-up' going on here.

Bishop of Gloucester resigns (From Gazette Series)

Bishop of Gloucester resigns (From Gazette Series)

The Truth!?

Diocese of Gloucester remains tight-lipped over Bishop Michael Perham's sudden decision to step down | Gloucestershire Echo

Diocese of Gloucester remains tight-lipped over Bishop Michael Perham's sudden decision to step down | Gloucestershire Echo

well, indeed if the Church want to play the 'secret' game it'll surely backfire.  It's hardly for 'personal reasons'. All I can say... the police are investigating!

Its time the Church is honest and transparent.