A site to discuss clergy sexual abuse of children and adult women. I founded MACSAS - UK. I live in Ireland. I was raped by an Anglican priest in the 1980's in the UK.. I later discovered he'd molested many other young adult students. My 2009 PhD was entitled 'The well from which we drink is poisoned - Clergy Sexual Exploitation of adult women'. my other blog discusses abuse of disabled children, disability rights: http://drragingwheels.bogspot.com
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Friday, June 29, 2012
message from margaret
i have posted some videos that might be of interest. do please send any information you have about clergy abuse to me at magsken57@gmail.com
this site covers clergy from all denominations who were/are abusers. it also covers abuse by nuns.
survivors stories welcomed as a way for readers to hear your pain and to understand.
this site covers clergy from all denominations who were/are abusers. it also covers abuse by nuns.
survivors stories welcomed as a way for readers to hear your pain and to understand.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Gathering for Eucharistic Congress
Gathering for Eucharistic Congress
a victim of clergy abuse jossled and man-handled outside eucharistic congress dublin. good evidence of christianity at work!
a victim of clergy abuse jossled and man-handled outside eucharistic congress dublin. good evidence of christianity at work!
Sex Abuse Statutes of Limitation Stir Battle - NYTimes.com
Sex Abuse Statutes of Limitation Stir Battle - NYTimes.com
catholic church tries to stop victims getting justice
catholic church tries to stop victims getting justice
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Baccalaureate speaker to Stanford's Class of 2012: 'Rebel, rebel, rebel - for all our sakes, rebel!'
Baccalaureate speaker to Stanford's Class of 2012: 'Rebel, rebel, rebel - for all our sakes, rebel!'
" if you really want to be a leader - you must be a truth-teller"
YES YeeeeeeeeeS!
" if you really want to be a leader - you must be a truth-teller"
YES YeeeeeeeeeS!
The Irish Times - Readers Letters and Feedback
The Irish Times - Readers Letters and Feedback
see letter from Irish victim of clergy abuse who 'protested' outside the eucharistic congress. THIS is the end result of the Church Hiararchy's total inability to dialogue with victims. The Church has divided victims into the 'good' ones (they don't publically protest and can be relied on not to talk to media) and the 'bad' ones. The 'bad' ones challange for truth, accountability, responsibility...JUSTICE. The Catholic Community now attacks these alleged 'bad' ones as it offends their sense of utter loyalty. loyalty rather than transparancy or justice is what is key 'Catholic' behaviour. the outcomes for the church of this continuing is dire. the outcome for victims is even more violence and abuse. letters please to Irish Times.
see letter from Irish victim of clergy abuse who 'protested' outside the eucharistic congress. THIS is the end result of the Church Hiararchy's total inability to dialogue with victims. The Church has divided victims into the 'good' ones (they don't publically protest and can be relied on not to talk to media) and the 'bad' ones. The 'bad' ones challange for truth, accountability, responsibility...JUSTICE. The Catholic Community now attacks these alleged 'bad' ones as it offends their sense of utter loyalty. loyalty rather than transparancy or justice is what is key 'Catholic' behaviour. the outcomes for the church of this continuing is dire. the outcome for victims is even more violence and abuse. letters please to Irish Times.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Clergy child sexual abuse: the restorative justice paradigm
Clergy child sexual abuse: the restorative justice paradigm
what do you think? let me know. make comment, thanks
what do you think? let me know. make comment, thanks
Voice of the Faithful 10th Year Conference | VOICE OF THE FAITHFUL
Voice of the Faithful 10th Year Conference | VOICE OF THE FAITHFUL
Oh I'd love to go............but a very all male (almost) line-up
Oh I'd love to go............but a very all male (almost) line-up
Church abuse victim on trial for beating priest
Church abuse victim on trial for beating priest
I do understand why this happened...but...it's not the way to go...
I do understand why this happened...but...it's not the way to go...
Updated: Charge sheet error frees priest of rape conviction - timesofmalta.com
Updated: Charge sheet error frees priest of rape conviction - timesofmalta.com
justice for you! shame on the judge. He should have asked for clarification during the trial. Not beyond a simple question is it???
justice for you! shame on the judge. He should have asked for clarification during the trial. Not beyond a simple question is it???
catholic church england and wales offensive leaflet

furthermore, 'hurt' is hardly the word for gross violation with subsequent devastation to life.
i can't seem to put the second side on here.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
margaret kennedy pilot study 'from our perspective' victims of clergy sexual abuse Ireland
my survey on clergy sexual abuse victims support needs in Ireland now ready for distribution. please contact blog if you want a copy. not sure how to put it on blog directly!
State 'failing' sexual violence victims - The Irish Times - Wed, Jun 20, 2012
State 'failing' sexual violence victims - The Irish Times - Wed, Jun 20, 2012
glad to see RCNI do disability & abuse research. Hope I had an influence there!
glad to see RCNI do disability & abuse research. Hope I had an influence there!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Abuse survivors angered over permanent location for healing stone - National News - Independent.ie
Abuse survivors angered over permanent location for healing stone - National News - Independent.ie
we do not believe survivors are being consulted at all! if they are, they are the ones in cahoots with the hierarchy and do not represent the vast majority of victims. we want to know who these survivors are.
we do not believe survivors are being consulted at all! if they are, they are the ones in cahoots with the hierarchy and do not represent the vast majority of victims. we want to know who these survivors are.
'Healing stone' for Lough Derg - The Irish Times - Fri, Jun 15, 2012
'Healing stone' for Lough Derg - The Irish Times - Fri, Jun 15, 2012
i won't be visiting it.
it doesn't represent ANYTHING. it's not 'healing' anyone, nor is it a sign of repentance. it angers me profusly . so many suffering survivors and they think a stone makes a difference!
i won't be visiting it.
it doesn't represent ANYTHING. it's not 'healing' anyone, nor is it a sign of repentance. it angers me profusly . so many suffering survivors and they think a stone makes a difference!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Cardinal apologises to abuse survivors | Irish Examiner
Cardinal apologises to abuse survivors | Irish Examiner
these continued 'apoligies' are becoming abusive and manipulative. they exploit survivors. it is a media 'show' , nothing to do with survivors healing or pain. survivors are getting very angry about them
these continued 'apoligies' are becoming abusive and manipulative. they exploit survivors. it is a media 'show' , nothing to do with survivors healing or pain. survivors are getting very angry about them
Thursday, June 14, 2012
ZENIT - Clergy Sexual Misconduct: Some Reflections From Asia
ZENIT - Clergy Sexual Misconduct: Some Reflections From Asia
In the prog it states he was going to talk about 'healing the victims'. changed his game-plan!
In the prog it states he was going to talk about 'healing the victims'. changed his game-plan!
Gathering for Eucharistic Congress - The Irish Times - Tue, Jun 12, 2012
Gathering for Eucharistic Congress - The Irish Times - Tue, Jun 12, 2012
two letters about the congress. mine is the second one.
two letters about the congress. mine is the second one.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
'Healing stone' to child abuse survivors unveiled - The Irish Times - Mon, Jun 11, 2012
'Healing stone' to child abuse survivors unveiled - The Irish Times - Mon, Jun 11, 2012
not entirely sure why / how a STONE symbolises healing? There are references to stones in the bible. The most relevant one is the millstone put around the neck of anyone who harms children. Even "the stones cry out", a reference to despair and of course Luke 11:11 'What father among you, if a son asks for bread would give a stone".
For me the alleged healing stone is the STONE given by the father rather than bread!
not entirely sure why / how a STONE symbolises healing? There are references to stones in the bible. The most relevant one is the millstone put around the neck of anyone who harms children. Even "the stones cry out", a reference to despair and of course Luke 11:11 'What father among you, if a son asks for bread would give a stone".
For me the alleged healing stone is the STONE given by the father rather than bread!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Megachurch Pastor Creflo Dollar Arrested For Domestic Abuse
Megachurch Pastor Creflo Dollar Arrested For Domestic Abuse
it's child abuse not domestic violence...though its that too!
it's child abuse not domestic violence...though its that too!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Response to Catholic militant, Mary Kenny
Response to Catholic militant, Mary Kenny
my letter never got into print media but was posted on some web sites .
my letter never got into print media but was posted on some web sites .
So much for “it was a thing of the past”: Active Clergy Criminal Cases | Patrick J. Wall
So much for “it was a thing of the past”: Active Clergy Criminal Cases | Patrick J. Wall
can anyone add to the list...cases in ireland and uk please
can anyone add to the list...cases in ireland and uk please
Theological society backs Vatican-criticized nun | National Catholic Reporter
Theological society backs Vatican-criticized nun | National Catholic Reporter
i consider what the vatican are doing to these women ABUSE so it rightly goes in my blog. thank god these nuns are getting great support
i consider what the vatican are doing to these women ABUSE so it rightly goes in my blog. thank god these nuns are getting great support
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Now is the Time: Organizing Direct Action to Protect our Children from Predatory Priests and those who aid them – A Practical Guide on How To Document, Publish, Arrest and Expel Public Enemies
Now is the Time: Organizing Direct Action to Protect our Children from Predatory Priests and those who aid them – A Practical Guide on How To Document, Publish, Arrest and Expel Public Enemies
not sure who these groups are or the names of people involved in them. this worries me. don't like operating outside the law!
not sure who these groups are or the names of people involved in them. this worries me. don't like operating outside the law!
Dozens Allege Sex Abuse by Nuns
Dozens Allege Sex Abuse by Nuns
yes it happens...we should be equally outraged and challange. gender is not the issue...harm and devastation to children is!
yes it happens...we should be equally outraged and challange. gender is not the issue...harm and devastation to children is!
Friday, June 1, 2012
case of woman abuse. look at articles in right hand column
case of woman abuse. look at articles in right hand column
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