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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

:: Fundação de Saúde Integral Humanística

:: Fundação de Saúde Integral Humanística: The Fundasinum Institution
Founded in June, 1987 through the initiative of psychologist G. Renate Jost de Moraes, the Fundasinum, The Whole Humanistic Health Foundation, is a non-profit organization whose objectives are primarily to make public the ADI/TIP Method – The Direct Approach to the Unconscious/Personal Integration Therapy, to see needy patients in psychotherapy and to train new TIP therapists and "orienters" in the therapy who supervise the work of ADI/TIP professionals through a Special Council.The foundation has graduated 44 TIP therapists since its foundation. It helps 350 needy patients per year.
The Fundasinum is constantly promoting lectures about the ADI/TIP Method throughout Brazil. It has had lectures in Portugal and Germany. It offers current information about the ADI Method to doctors, psychologists and other professionals to guarantee the correct and consistent application of the techniques of the method

The Direct Approach to the Unconscious - ADI an explanation from the internet

The Direct Approach to the Unconscious - ADI
ADI/TIP Considers Human Suffering Like The Fruit of a tree. The sickness of which comes from the SAP which is in the root.
From the ADI / TIP prospective, our instabilities, limitations, pain and infirmities are all located in a few unhealthy roots, like a tree. The ramifications of these "sick roots" are expressed as symptoms (leaves and fruit if you will) derived from the sap of the sick roots. During treatment, these symptoms don’t need to be explained or understood. We simply directly identify the problem on the root, which occurs as "register phrases".These recorded statements generate specific program chains, which are activated throughout a patient’s life expressed as problems without apparent cause. On the other hand, current disease and psychological unbalances refuel the existing program. The older a patient gets, the more serious the problem becomes. Nevertheless, the first cause is almost always located in the gestation period of development in the womb fed by recorded statements from dozens of past generations coded in the unconscious.The Unconscious offers the solutions to the deepest root of the problem.Identifying the "register phrases", we now go to the therapist who also uses the same questioning technique to help the patient find solutions to his problems through the life experiences in the unconscious. Diagnosis and therapy of the register phrases are techniques and an art thoroughly studied by T.I.P. therapists. However, the mere decodification of the first causes on which sit all of the ramifications allows for a complete breakup of these ramifications. Besides that, TIP anticipates the substitution of the negative register phrases for positive ones and reinforces pleasant life experiences. According to our patients after therapy, know that the TIP therapeutic process generates much greater change than just the elimination of physical and psychological problems.
It is the person himself, which generates his conditionings, and only that person can rebuild them.When we are sick or suffering psychologically, we immediately look outside ourselves for the cause. We respond by counter-attacking with medicine or psychological analysis and feel that we are victims of the situation. The unconscious shows us that our problems and illness are not something that comes from the outside but are options and "choices" that we freely make, positions that we assume in the unconscious. These poorly made "choices" are conditioned and on top of these, we find other choices that we have made. They function as codes which are transformed into brain orders which are expressed in the organism, psyche, in all of our being, what we do, how we think and in the life of the person. Understand that by just reversing the initial negative options and reformulating them with a new emphasis is to decode the primary origin, which makes us suffer today. This is possible due to the atemporality of the unconscious, which is not limited by time, space or matter and due to the technique of the "direct" and "conscious" approach to this mental level.
With TIP therapy, it is the patient himself who brings about his own therapy over the unconscious. Only the patient can "want" to make changes in his manner of being and thinking. In fact, there are patients who wish to be free of unpleasant symptoms but are not willing to confront the reformulations or themselves in a deep way. These patients we call resistant.

More about the ADI Method !!!

Accused priest receiving treatment in Brazil: bishop | Metro

Accused priest receiving treatment in Brazil: bishop | Metro

never heard of this treatment modality- ADI (Direct Approach of the Unconscious)

has anyone else?  comments please

A disappointing start to the global battle against abuse |

A disappointing start to the global battle against abuse |

So the worldwide Church disobeyed the Vatican1 whadda you know!  Given a year to produce child protection policies half did not!

Bishop Finn's trial set - Catholic Sentinel - Portland, OR

Bishop Finn's trial set - Catholic Sentinel - Portland, OR

good - more 'forced' accountability.  may it keep rolling!

Spain Investigates Probe Hundreds of Alleged Baby Thefts - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Spain Investigates Probe Hundreds of Alleged Baby Thefts - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Day care employee accused of sexual molestation |

Day care employee accused of sexual molestation |

TheSpec - Ministry struggling to justify Hamilton ‘priest...

TheSpec - Ministry struggling to justify Hamilton ‘priest...

disgraceful....absolutely disgraceful!

One year on: What’s happened since Enda Kenny’s landmark Cloyne speech? · The Score

One year on: What’s happened since Enda Kenny’s landmark Cloyne speech? · The Score

famous speech begins the process of separating church and state....i hope!

CA - LA Archdiocese cannot block release of secret priest files, victims respond

CA - LA Archdiocese cannot block release of secret priest files, victims respond
"Legal maneuverings by lawyers for the Archdiocese and the accused priests have held up the release of the files for five years".   And the Catholic Church says it wants to help victims and do the right thing?  give me a break....pharasees, hypocrites

Sex abuse victim ‘let down by evangelist’ - Local News - Eastbourne Herald

Sex abuse victim ‘let down by evangelist’ - Local News - Eastbourne Herald

he got probation! for abusing a child!?

Defense claims teen rape accuser...

Defense claims teen rape accuser...

nasty stuff going on here.  jewish case.

Del challenges clergy: ‘own up | Lismore Crime | Robberies, Assaults and Convictions in Lismore | Northern Star

Del challenges clergy: ‘own up | Lismore Crime | Robberies, Assaults and Convictions in Lismore | Northern Star

Police concede priest wasn't pursued over child sex abuse

Police concede priest wasn't pursued over child sex abuse

was he operating as a priest up until his death?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Christian Child Abuse: UK Irish abuse victims "losing out"

Christian Child Abuse: UK Irish abuse victims "losing out"

20 July, 2012 Ministers Quinn and Hayes announce winner of competition to provide a Memorial to the Victims of Institutional Abuse - Department of Education and Skills

20 July, 2012 Ministers Quinn and Hayes announce winner of competition to provide a Memorial to the Victims of Institutional Abuse - Department of Education and Skills

The 9 at 9: Saturday ·

the garden of light memorial for victims of institutional abuse

Quinn says redress by religious orders very unsatisfactory - The Irish Times - Sat, Jul 21, 2012

Quinn says redress by religious orders very unsatisfactory - The Irish Times - Sat, Jul 21, 2012

BBC News - Irish government unveils design for memorial to abuse victims

BBC News - Irish government unveils design for memorial to abuse victims

not sure about this.  there were thousands more victims than just those in industrial schools/institutions.  the magdalenes, mother and baby homes, diocesan clergy abuse victims, and the list goes on....

not sure these 'gestures' do anything but i'm open to your views!  please post comments.

Former Bishop of Gloucester under police investigation: The Church of England Newspaper, June 10, 2012 p 2.

Former Bishop of Gloucester under police investigation: The Church of England Newspaper, June 10, 2012 p 2.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ray Mouton - In Gods House - A Novel

Ray Mouton - In Gods House - A Novel

French Catholic priest charged over child sex abuse

French Catholic priest charged over child sex abuse

California - Acquittal in Beating of Retired Priest -

California - Acquittal in Beating of Retired Priest -

i am concerned about this.  no-one should take the law into their own hands.  i'm surprised at the verdict.

Msgr. Lynn’s House Arrest Bid Rejected -

Msgr. Lynn’s House Arrest Bid Rejected -

WHO | Children with disabilities more likely to experience violence

WHO | Children with disabilities more likely to experience violence

Even If You Don’t Know What to Do, Do Something to Protect Kids

Even If You Don’t Know What to Do, Do Something to Protect Kids

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wirral Catholic priest Father Peter Hooper with “unhealthy interest in adolescent boys” jailed for five years - Liverpool Local News - News - Liverpool Echo

Wirral Catholic priest Father Peter Hooper with “unhealthy interest in adolescent boys” jailed for five years - Liverpool Local News - News - Liverpool Echo

Concerned About Abuse in the Catholic Church

Concerned About Abuse in the Catholic Church

Sexual Abuse of Minors by Clergy - Diocesan Case Status (July 2012) | The Catholic Diocese of Toledo, Ohio | Allegations, Minis

Sexual Abuse of Minors by Clergy - Diocesan Case Status (July 2012) | The Catholic Diocese of Toledo, Ohio | Allegations, Minis

gosh, a Diocese publishes its stats!

Sex abuse book mars Mexico Pope visit

Sex abuse book mars Mexico Pope visit

German Priest Fired For Decades Old Sex Abuse

German Priest Fired For Decades Old Sex Abuse Zimbabwe: Priests Should Rein in Voracious Sex Instincts Zimbabwe: Priests Should Rein in Voracious Sex Instincts