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Thursday, December 13, 2012

The History of Sex Abuse and Cover-up in the Catholic Church … in Three Minutes

The History of Sex Abuse and Cover-up in the Catholic Church … in Three Minutes

Sylvia's Site

Sylvia's Site

New Popemobile keeps Pontiff on show

New Popemobile keeps Pontiff on show

how much did it cost?!  why would Mercedes give a curtesy car to the pope?

The Progressive Catholic Voice: December 2012

The Progressive Catholic Voice: December 2012

Chile - 3 Abuse Victims Sue Church -

Chile - 3 Abuse Victims Sue Church -

Roman Catholic church reveals sex abuse figures - The Local

Roman Catholic church reveals sex abuse figures - The Local

German Catholic Church says 66 clergy accused of sex abuse | AAJ News

German Catholic Church says 66 clergy accused of sex abuse | AAJ News

Catholica Forum - Assistance scheme urged for clergy sex abuse victims

Catholica Forum - Assistance scheme urged for clergy sex abuse victims

Battered (church) wives - News -

Battered (church) wives - News -

Sunday, October 28, 2012

follow my blog

lots more stuff posted today.  sign up as follower and get my posts automatically when posted.

Ipswich priest Haley Dossor's sex abuse of boys

Ipswich priest Haley Dossor's sex abuse of boys

Irish Survivors In Britain | Linking up survivors, groups, networks and services

Irish Survivors In Britain | Linking up survivors, groups, networks and services

New group ...

British-based abuse survivors seek answers

British-based abuse survivors seek answers

Protest at Pro Cathedral over government plans for abuse survivors’ trust fund

Protest at Pro Cathedral over government plans for abuse survivors’ trust fund

Ireland.  some survivors want cash given directly to the survivors.

Missionaries of the Sacred Heart: Priests admitted abuse but authorities weren’t told

Missionaries of the Sacred Heart: Priests admitted abuse but authorities weren’t told

Ireland...surprise, surprise!

Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin: ‘Relatively few cases to deal with’

Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin: ‘Relatively few cases to deal with’


Poll: Should there be a Tribunal into clerical sexual abuse?

Poll: Should there be a Tribunal into clerical sexual abuse?

Ireland.  Am surprised the poll says "No"...

Retired Irish priest faces abuse charges in Australian court

Retired Irish priest faces abuse charges in Australian court

Clerical Whispers: Police kept in dark on complaints of priest’s sex abuse

Clerical Whispers: Police kept in dark on complaints of priest’s sex abuse

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Column: If clerical abuse was a car crash, we’d still be looking for the victims

Column: If clerical abuse was a car crash, we’d still be looking for the victims

Irish victim laments Church failure to support the 'lost' victims.  The Irish Government said the religious orders are STILL refusing to honour the agreement regarding what they pay into fund for survivors.  Disgraceful

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Odisha nun fails to identify rape accused | UCAN India

Odisha nun fails to identify rape accused | UCAN India

not a clergy case but news that a nun is simply not taken seriously about her gang rape.

The brutal gang rape is referred to constantly as "alleged" rape case.
This is the fourth identification parade conducted for the nun to identify the rapists.
Even though she identified one person when it was conducted the last time, the magistrate distorted the report!
Four years have passed and the Church, the State, the Patriarchal society still looks at the issue as a "personal" issue of violence that has happened to the nun?! Unless we change the basic thinking pattern and framework which is deeply caught up in patriarchy, we will be only fooling ourselves talking about JUSTICE. Will the Church please SPEAK UP! I don't mean only the Catholic Church, I mean the whole Church - anyone who calls himself / herself a follower of Jesus Christ..., living anywhere in the world. LET US STOP THIS VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN NOW

Sunday, September 2, 2012

BBC News - European Warrant issued over Ealing 'sex abuse' priest

BBC News - European Warrant issued over Ealing 'sex abuse' priest

GB: Child protection – Media coverage of Chichester visitation report | Church News Ireland

GB: Child protection – Media coverage of Chichester visitation report | Church News Ireland

Many Good links for Chichester Diocese abuse scandal.

Diocese of Chichester and Butler-Sloss Abuse Inquiry Inaccuracies - YouTube

Diocese of Chichester and Butler-Sloss Abuse Inquiry Inaccuracies - YouTube

An earlier report by Butler-schloss was totally inadequate

Never be alone with children, clergy told - Telegraph

Never be alone with children, clergy told - Telegraph

The Shameful Truth

The Shameful Truth

A great site on the Chichester Diocese (Anglican) abuse scandal. 

Child sex abuse inquiry damns Chichester church's local safeguarding | Society | The Guardian

Child sex abuse inquiry damns Chichester church's local safeguarding | Society | The Guardian

Inquiry report out!  Disgrace in an Anglican Diocese UK.  Goes to show not just a 'Catholic' problem!  Cover-up in Churches of all denominations is rife.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

:: Fundação de Saúde Integral Humanística

:: Fundação de Saúde Integral Humanística: The Fundasinum Institution
Founded in June, 1987 through the initiative of psychologist G. Renate Jost de Moraes, the Fundasinum, The Whole Humanistic Health Foundation, is a non-profit organization whose objectives are primarily to make public the ADI/TIP Method – The Direct Approach to the Unconscious/Personal Integration Therapy, to see needy patients in psychotherapy and to train new TIP therapists and "orienters" in the therapy who supervise the work of ADI/TIP professionals through a Special Council.The foundation has graduated 44 TIP therapists since its foundation. It helps 350 needy patients per year.
The Fundasinum is constantly promoting lectures about the ADI/TIP Method throughout Brazil. It has had lectures in Portugal and Germany. It offers current information about the ADI Method to doctors, psychologists and other professionals to guarantee the correct and consistent application of the techniques of the method

The Direct Approach to the Unconscious - ADI an explanation from the internet

The Direct Approach to the Unconscious - ADI
ADI/TIP Considers Human Suffering Like The Fruit of a tree. The sickness of which comes from the SAP which is in the root.
From the ADI / TIP prospective, our instabilities, limitations, pain and infirmities are all located in a few unhealthy roots, like a tree. The ramifications of these "sick roots" are expressed as symptoms (leaves and fruit if you will) derived from the sap of the sick roots. During treatment, these symptoms don’t need to be explained or understood. We simply directly identify the problem on the root, which occurs as "register phrases".These recorded statements generate specific program chains, which are activated throughout a patient’s life expressed as problems without apparent cause. On the other hand, current disease and psychological unbalances refuel the existing program. The older a patient gets, the more serious the problem becomes. Nevertheless, the first cause is almost always located in the gestation period of development in the womb fed by recorded statements from dozens of past generations coded in the unconscious.The Unconscious offers the solutions to the deepest root of the problem.Identifying the "register phrases", we now go to the therapist who also uses the same questioning technique to help the patient find solutions to his problems through the life experiences in the unconscious. Diagnosis and therapy of the register phrases are techniques and an art thoroughly studied by T.I.P. therapists. However, the mere decodification of the first causes on which sit all of the ramifications allows for a complete breakup of these ramifications. Besides that, TIP anticipates the substitution of the negative register phrases for positive ones and reinforces pleasant life experiences. According to our patients after therapy, know that the TIP therapeutic process generates much greater change than just the elimination of physical and psychological problems.
It is the person himself, which generates his conditionings, and only that person can rebuild them.When we are sick or suffering psychologically, we immediately look outside ourselves for the cause. We respond by counter-attacking with medicine or psychological analysis and feel that we are victims of the situation. The unconscious shows us that our problems and illness are not something that comes from the outside but are options and "choices" that we freely make, positions that we assume in the unconscious. These poorly made "choices" are conditioned and on top of these, we find other choices that we have made. They function as codes which are transformed into brain orders which are expressed in the organism, psyche, in all of our being, what we do, how we think and in the life of the person. Understand that by just reversing the initial negative options and reformulating them with a new emphasis is to decode the primary origin, which makes us suffer today. This is possible due to the atemporality of the unconscious, which is not limited by time, space or matter and due to the technique of the "direct" and "conscious" approach to this mental level.
With TIP therapy, it is the patient himself who brings about his own therapy over the unconscious. Only the patient can "want" to make changes in his manner of being and thinking. In fact, there are patients who wish to be free of unpleasant symptoms but are not willing to confront the reformulations or themselves in a deep way. These patients we call resistant.

More about the ADI Method !!!

Accused priest receiving treatment in Brazil: bishop | Metro

Accused priest receiving treatment in Brazil: bishop | Metro

never heard of this treatment modality- ADI (Direct Approach of the Unconscious)

has anyone else?  comments please

A disappointing start to the global battle against abuse |

A disappointing start to the global battle against abuse |

So the worldwide Church disobeyed the Vatican1 whadda you know!  Given a year to produce child protection policies half did not!

Bishop Finn's trial set - Catholic Sentinel - Portland, OR

Bishop Finn's trial set - Catholic Sentinel - Portland, OR

good - more 'forced' accountability.  may it keep rolling!

Spain Investigates Probe Hundreds of Alleged Baby Thefts - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Spain Investigates Probe Hundreds of Alleged Baby Thefts - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Day care employee accused of sexual molestation |

Day care employee accused of sexual molestation |

TheSpec - Ministry struggling to justify Hamilton ‘priest...

TheSpec - Ministry struggling to justify Hamilton ‘priest...

disgraceful....absolutely disgraceful!

One year on: What’s happened since Enda Kenny’s landmark Cloyne speech? · The Score

One year on: What’s happened since Enda Kenny’s landmark Cloyne speech? · The Score

famous speech begins the process of separating church and state....i hope!

CA - LA Archdiocese cannot block release of secret priest files, victims respond

CA - LA Archdiocese cannot block release of secret priest files, victims respond
"Legal maneuverings by lawyers for the Archdiocese and the accused priests have held up the release of the files for five years".   And the Catholic Church says it wants to help victims and do the right thing?  give me a break....pharasees, hypocrites

Sex abuse victim ‘let down by evangelist’ - Local News - Eastbourne Herald

Sex abuse victim ‘let down by evangelist’ - Local News - Eastbourne Herald

he got probation! for abusing a child!?

Defense claims teen rape accuser...

Defense claims teen rape accuser...

nasty stuff going on here.  jewish case.

Del challenges clergy: ‘own up | Lismore Crime | Robberies, Assaults and Convictions in Lismore | Northern Star

Del challenges clergy: ‘own up | Lismore Crime | Robberies, Assaults and Convictions in Lismore | Northern Star

Police concede priest wasn't pursued over child sex abuse

Police concede priest wasn't pursued over child sex abuse

was he operating as a priest up until his death?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Christian Child Abuse: UK Irish abuse victims "losing out"

Christian Child Abuse: UK Irish abuse victims "losing out"

20 July, 2012 Ministers Quinn and Hayes announce winner of competition to provide a Memorial to the Victims of Institutional Abuse - Department of Education and Skills

20 July, 2012 Ministers Quinn and Hayes announce winner of competition to provide a Memorial to the Victims of Institutional Abuse - Department of Education and Skills

The 9 at 9: Saturday ·

the garden of light memorial for victims of institutional abuse

Quinn says redress by religious orders very unsatisfactory - The Irish Times - Sat, Jul 21, 2012

Quinn says redress by religious orders very unsatisfactory - The Irish Times - Sat, Jul 21, 2012

BBC News - Irish government unveils design for memorial to abuse victims

BBC News - Irish government unveils design for memorial to abuse victims

not sure about this.  there were thousands more victims than just those in industrial schools/institutions.  the magdalenes, mother and baby homes, diocesan clergy abuse victims, and the list goes on....

not sure these 'gestures' do anything but i'm open to your views!  please post comments.

Former Bishop of Gloucester under police investigation: The Church of England Newspaper, June 10, 2012 p 2.

Former Bishop of Gloucester under police investigation: The Church of England Newspaper, June 10, 2012 p 2.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ray Mouton - In Gods House - A Novel

Ray Mouton - In Gods House - A Novel

French Catholic priest charged over child sex abuse

French Catholic priest charged over child sex abuse

California - Acquittal in Beating of Retired Priest -

California - Acquittal in Beating of Retired Priest -

i am concerned about this.  no-one should take the law into their own hands.  i'm surprised at the verdict.

Msgr. Lynn’s House Arrest Bid Rejected -

Msgr. Lynn’s House Arrest Bid Rejected -

WHO | Children with disabilities more likely to experience violence

WHO | Children with disabilities more likely to experience violence

Even If You Don’t Know What to Do, Do Something to Protect Kids

Even If You Don’t Know What to Do, Do Something to Protect Kids

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wirral Catholic priest Father Peter Hooper with “unhealthy interest in adolescent boys” jailed for five years - Liverpool Local News - News - Liverpool Echo

Wirral Catholic priest Father Peter Hooper with “unhealthy interest in adolescent boys” jailed for five years - Liverpool Local News - News - Liverpool Echo

Concerned About Abuse in the Catholic Church

Concerned About Abuse in the Catholic Church

Sexual Abuse of Minors by Clergy - Diocesan Case Status (July 2012) | The Catholic Diocese of Toledo, Ohio | Allegations, Minis

Sexual Abuse of Minors by Clergy - Diocesan Case Status (July 2012) | The Catholic Diocese of Toledo, Ohio | Allegations, Minis

gosh, a Diocese publishes its stats!

Sex abuse book mars Mexico Pope visit

Sex abuse book mars Mexico Pope visit

German Priest Fired For Decades Old Sex Abuse

German Priest Fired For Decades Old Sex Abuse Zimbabwe: Priests Should Rein in Voracious Sex Instincts Zimbabwe: Priests Should Rein in Voracious Sex Instincts

Friday, June 29, 2012

'I am a daily Mass-goer and all this hurts like hell' - The Irish Times - Mon, May 07, 2012

'I am a daily Mass-goer and all this hurts like hell' - The Irish Times - Mon, May 07, 2012

message from margaret

i have posted some videos that might be of interest.  do please send any information you have about clergy abuse to me at

this site covers clergy from all denominations who were/are abusers.  it also covers abuse by nuns.

survivors stories welcomed as a way for readers to hear your pain and to understand. 

Marco Politi (EPPSP Meeting May 12 2010) - YouTube

Marco Politi (EPPSP Meeting May 12 2010) - YouTube

Victims Criticise Church of England Safeguarding Failings - YouTube

Victims Criticise Church of England Safeguarding Failings - YouTube



Roman Catholic Church sexual abuse in Ireland: Beware of priests and nuns - YouTube

Roman Catholic Church sexual abuse in Ireland: Beware of priests and nuns - YouTube

Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - YouTube

Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - YouTube

Ex-priest guilty of conspiring to kill boy who accused him of rape | The Raw Story#.T7aGIsQRKls.reddit?#.T7aGIsQRKls.reddit?

Ex-priest guilty of conspiring to kill boy who accused him of rape | The Raw Story#.T7aGIsQRKls.reddit?#.T7aGIsQRKls.reddit?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Holy shows

Holy shows

ireland eucharistic congress - i absolutely agree

Parish priest on trial for sexual abuse of girl 20 years ago

Parish priest on trial for sexual abuse of girl 20 years ago

northern ireland

RTÉ role in Eucharistic Congress criticised

RTÉ role in Eucharistic Congress criticised

some good points!

Ex-Brother faces 138 counts of indecent assault at primary school and pool

Ex-Brother faces 138 counts of indecent assault at primary school and pool

ireland - horrendous

Reading the silence: reflections on a buried report

Reading the silence: reflections on a buried report


Gathering for Eucharistic Congress

Gathering for Eucharistic Congress

a victim of clergy abuse jossled and man-handled outside eucharistic congress dublin.  good evidence of christianity at work!

As a nation we are serial abusers of children

As a nation we are serial abusers of children

ireland - my country!

Sex Abuse Statutes of Limitation Stir Battle -

Sex Abuse Statutes of Limitation Stir Battle -

catholic church tries to stop victims getting justice

Late Dutch Catholic brother suspect in '50s deaths

Late Dutch Catholic brother suspect in '50s deaths

abuse of disabled children



Former priest admits sexual assault and attempted rape - The Irish Times - Tue, Jun 26, 2012

Former priest admits sexual assault and attempted rape - The Irish Times - Tue, Jun 26, 2012

Abuse by priests causes spiritual wounds. Association of Catholic Priests

Abuse by priests causes spiritual wounds. Association of Catholic Priests

Defrock Lynn: Sex Abuse Victims Urge Archbishop Charles Chaput To Laicze Convicted Priest

Defrock Lynn: Sex Abuse Victims Urge Archbishop Charles Chaput To Laicze Convicted Priest

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

237 clerical abuse claims last year - Republic of Ireland, Local & National -

237 clerical abuse claims last year - Republic of Ireland, Local & National -

Baccalaureate speaker to Stanford's Class of 2012: 'Rebel, rebel, rebel - for all our sakes, rebel!'

Baccalaureate speaker to Stanford's Class of 2012: 'Rebel, rebel, rebel - for all our sakes, rebel!'

" if you really want to be a leader - you must be a truth-teller"

YES YeeeeeeeeeS!

The Irish Times - Readers Letters and Feedback

The Irish Times - Readers Letters and Feedback

see letter from Irish victim of clergy abuse who 'protested' outside the eucharistic congress.  THIS is the end result of the Church Hiararchy's total inability to dialogue with victims.  The Church has divided victims into the 'good' ones (they don't publically protest and can be relied on not to talk to media) and the 'bad' ones.  The 'bad' ones challange for truth, accountability, responsibility...JUSTICE.  The Catholic Community now attacks these alleged 'bad' ones as it offends their sense of utter loyalty.  loyalty rather than transparancy or justice is what is key 'Catholic' behaviour.  the outcomes for the church of this continuing is dire.  the outcome for victims is even more violence and abuse.  letters please to Irish Times.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Symphysiotomy a Catholic procedure? |

Symphysiotomy a Catholic procedure? |

don't forget you are reading a catholic paper here!

The Irish government is going to make it a criminal offence for a priest not to tell the gardai when a sex offender confesses his crime: I say, bring it on |

The Irish government is going to make it a criminal offence for a priest not to tell the gardai when a sex offender confesses his crime: I say, bring it on |

Inside the mind of a monster: child sex abuse of Franciscan priest revealed in his own sick words | Mail Online

Inside the mind of a monster: child sex abuse of Franciscan priest revealed in his own sick words | Mail Online

Ahead of Print Articles (date view)

Ahead of Print Articles (date view)

sex abuse articles

Voice from the Desert » Blog Archive » From NCR…CARA study: Priests not content with bishops on sex abuse front

Voice from the Desert » Blog Archive » From NCR…CARA study: Priests not content with bishops on sex abuse front

Clergy child sexual abuse: the restorative justice paradigm

Clergy child sexual abuse: the restorative justice paradigm

what do you think?  let me know.  make comment, thanks

Wirral priest jailed for child sex abuse - Crime - UK - The Independent

Wirral priest jailed for child sex abuse - Crime - UK - The Independent

Voice of the Faithful 10th Year Conference | VOICE OF THE FAITHFUL

Voice of the Faithful 10th Year Conference | VOICE OF THE FAITHFUL

Oh I'd love to go............but a very all male (almost) line-up

Church abuse victim on trial for beating priest

Church abuse victim on trial for beating priest

I do understand why this's not the way to go...

Updated: Charge sheet error frees priest of rape conviction -

Updated: Charge sheet error frees priest of rape conviction -

justice for you! shame on the judge.  He should have asked for clarification during the trial.  Not beyond a simple question is it???

Judge defies bomb threat to hear former priests' appeal -

Judge defies bomb threat to hear former priests' appeal -

catholic church england and wales offensive leaflet

please note that the Catholic Church in England and wales does NOT mention CLERGY sexual abuse.  This is a GENERAL leaflet for those abused by ANYONE in the Church and ALL forms of abuse. It is NOT specific to clergy sexual abuse victims.  There is no budget for this, volunteers will be used and victims signposted to other service providers.  This is why MACSAS resigned from the planning committee last year.  Note we are NOT mentioned as a support group despite being the ONLY clergy & minister abuse support group in the UK.
furthermore, 'hurt' is hardly the word for gross violation with subsequent devastation to life.
i can't seem to put the second side on here.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Abuse survivors angered over permanent location for healing stone - National News -

Abuse survivors angered over permanent location for healing stone - National News -

we do not believe survivors are being consulted at all!  if they are, they are the ones in cahoots with the hierarchy and do not represent the vast majority of victims.  we want to know who these survivors are.

'Healing stone' for Lough Derg - The Irish Times - Fri, Jun 15, 2012

'Healing stone' for Lough Derg - The Irish Times - Fri, Jun 15, 2012

i won't be visiting it.

it doesn't represent ANYTHING.  it's not 'healing' anyone, nor is it a sign of repentance.  it angers me profusly .  so many suffering survivors and they think a stone makes a difference!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Abuse victim believes Irish pedophile priest Fr Brendan Smyth murdered an American child | Irish News and Politics spanning the US, Ireland and the World | IrishCentral

Abuse victim believes Irish pedophile priest Fr Brendan Smyth murdered an American child | Irish News and Politics spanning the US, Ireland and the World | IrishCentral

Public Inquiry · Mary Kenny: An unrepentant Catholic militant

Public Inquiry · Mary Kenny: An unrepentant Catholic militant

Response to Catholic militant, Mary Kenny

Response to Catholic militant, Mary Kenny

my letter never got into print media but was posted on some web sites .

So much for “it was a thing of the past”: Active Clergy Criminal Cases | Patrick J. Wall

So much for “it was a thing of the past”: Active Clergy Criminal Cases | Patrick J. Wall

can anyone add to the list...cases in ireland and uk please

Follow the policy, break the law | Patrick J. Wall

Follow the policy, break the law | Patrick J. Wall

Theological society backs Vatican-criticized nun | National Catholic Reporter

Theological society backs Vatican-criticized nun | National Catholic Reporter

i consider what the vatican are doing to these women ABUSE so it rightly goes in my blog. thank god these nuns are getting great support

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

About the troubles facing the Catholic Church in Ireland | Boston Irish Reporter

About the troubles facing the Catholic Church in Ireland | Boston Irish Reporter

Now is the Time: Organizing Direct Action to Protect our Children from Predatory Priests and those who aid them – A Practical Guide on How To Document, Publish, Arrest and Expel Public Enemies

Now is the Time: Organizing Direct Action to Protect our Children from Predatory Priests and those who aid them – A Practical Guide on How To Document, Publish, Arrest and Expel Public Enemies

not sure who these groups are or the names of people involved in them.  this worries me.  don't like operating outside the law!

Church in Ireland

Church in Ireland

Dozens Allege Sex Abuse by Nuns

Dozens Allege Sex Abuse by Nuns

yes it happens...we should be equally outraged and challange. gender is not the issue...harm and devastation to children is!

She Dose Not Want to Met With Her Accusers

She Dose Not Want to Met With Her Accusers

nun in australia accused

Sisters of Mercy are to Quit Drogheda, Ireland After 157 Years

Sisters of Mercy are to Quit Drogheda, Ireland After 157 Years

Ex-Priest Charged With Sexual Assault on Children Living in St. Louis

Ex-Priest Charged With Sexual Assault on Children Living in St. Louis

Brendan Gleeson confronts Irish Catholic Church’s sexual abuse scandal in ‘Calvary’ | Irish Entertainment in Ireland and Around the World | IrishCentral

Brendan Gleeson confronts Irish Catholic Church’s sexual abuse scandal in ‘Calvary’ | Irish Entertainment in Ireland and Around the World | IrishCentral

Irish nun quits Catholic church after claiming abuse at hands of priests | Irish News and Politics spanning the US, Ireland and the World | IrishCentral

Irish nun quits Catholic church after claiming abuse at hands of priests | Irish News and Politics spanning the US, Ireland and the World | IrishCentral

Cardinal Timothy Dolan blasts New York Times coverage of payments to priests | Irish News and Politics spanning the US, Ireland and the World | IrishCentral

Cardinal Timothy Dolan blasts New York Times coverage of payments to priests | Irish News and Politics spanning the US, Ireland and the World | IrishCentral

Catholic child abuse cover-up case heads to jury -

Catholic child abuse cover-up case heads to jury -

Arguments over charge in Philly priest-abuse trial

Arguments over charge in Philly priest-abuse trial

closing stages of this high profile case

CARA study: Priests not content with bishops on sex abuse front | National Catholic Reporter

CARA study: Priests not content with bishops on sex abuse front | National Catholic Reporter

Friday, June 1, 2012

Wash. diocese reaches sex abuse agreement to save parishes :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Wash. diocese reaches sex abuse agreement to save parishes :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

a bankrupcy aggreement!

In Milwaukee Post, Cardinal Authorized Paying Abusers

In Milwaukee Post, Cardinal Authorized Paying Abusers

Notting Hill sexual assault victim praised after conviction of priest

Notting Hill sexual assault victim praised after conviction of priest

adult woman is victim



case of woman abuse.  look at articles in right hand column



highlights case of abuse of women

Franciscan clergy sex-abuse case records released -

Franciscan clergy sex-abuse case records released -

Monday, May 7, 2012

Priest falsely accused of child abuse returns to parish - The Irish Times - Mon, May 07, 2012

Priest falsely accused of child abuse returns to parish - The Irish Times - Mon, May 07, 2012

'I am a daily Mass-goer and all this hurts like hell' - The Irish Times - Mon, May 07, 2012

'I am a daily Mass-goer and all this hurts like hell' - The Irish Times - Mon, May 07, 2012

well done mary good on yer.

Brady's warm tribute to bishop who kept Smyth link quiet - The Irish Times - Mon, May 07, 2012

Brady's warm tribute to bishop who kept Smyth link quiet - The Irish Times - Mon, May 07, 2012

good old 'mental reservation' again!

Brady welcomes sex abuse inquiry call - The Irish Times - Mon, May 07, 2012

Brady welcomes sex abuse inquiry call - The Irish Times - Mon, May 07, 2012

am i cynical but this call for inquiry is a neat way to stall the resignation of brady.  by the time its up and running he'll be retiring naturally as he has to in two years time. and who will pay for this inquiry?  this poor country is economically on its knees.  the previous inquiries cost the state millions and the church still has not paid up the agreed millions to cover survivor support services.

What the pope knew (CNN 25-9-2010, part1/5) - YouTube

What the pope knew (CNN 25-9-2010, part1/5) - YouTube

Evidence State sent girls as young as 14 to Magdalene laundries | Irish Examiner

Evidence State sent girls as young as 14 to Magdalene laundries | Irish Examiner

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Maintaining Healthy Relationships: What You Should Know About Clergy Sexual Misconduct

Maintaining Healthy Relationships: What You Should Know About Clergy Sexual Misconduct

South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault: Parliamentary Committee into Clergy Sex Abuse

South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault: Parliamentary Committee into Clergy Sex Abuse

australia...budget cuts affects committee

Dear Pope: Now You've Done It! — FaithTrust Institute

Dear Pope: Now You've Done It! — FaithTrust Institute

Five Priests Accused Of Sexual Abuse Removed From MInistry In Philadelphia

Five Priests Accused Of Sexual Abuse Removed From MInistry In Philadelphia

Disability & Abuse Project website

Disability & Abuse Project website

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin calls for establishment of independent Fr Brendan Smyth inquiry - RTÉ News

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin calls for establishment of independent Fr Brendan Smyth inquiry - RTÉ News

step in the right direction! 

The Roman Catholic Church has protected evil for too long - Telegraph

The Roman Catholic Church has protected evil for too long - Telegraph

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Martin 'regret' over resignation - The Irish Times - Wed, Apr 25, 2012

Martin 'regret' over resignation - The Irish Times - Wed, Apr 25, 2012

what did he know?  thats what I want to know...

Judge orders SNAP to turn over abuse records :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Judge orders SNAP to turn over abuse records :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

now is the time....'RISE UP...RISE UP'

shame on this judge

Couple: Priest abused sons for years - Times Union#photo-2855267#photo-2855267#photo-2855267

Couple: Priest abused sons for years - Times Union#photo-2855267#photo-2855267#photo-2855267

look at last paragraph.  church investigated previous allegations which they concluded 'could not be substantiated' so put him back in ministry.  ergo...allowed him free reign.

just shows the church are unable to monitor let alone investigate alleged abusers

Head of Christian ministry 'kills himself' after being accused of molesting 10-year-old girl | Mail Online

Head of Christian ministry 'kills himself' after being accused of molesting 10-year-old girl | Mail Online

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Mormon Church and child sex abuse: A response to Marci Hamilton « LDS Law

The Mormon Church and child sex abuse: A response to Marci Hamilton « LDS Law

Onetime priest crusades for abuse victims suing Catholic Church

Onetime priest crusades for abuse victims suing Catholic Church

Child sex abuse in the Church: alliance demands full inquiry - Crime - UK - The Independent

Child sex abuse in the Church: alliance demands full inquiry - Crime - UK - The Independent

Abuse Case Dates Suggest Brooklyn DA Is Cooking Numbers For Kol Tzedek Hotline | The Jewish Week

Abuse Case Dates Suggest Brooklyn DA Is Cooking Numbers For Kol Tzedek Hotline | The Jewish Week

READ: Transcript of the Corrib rape ‘tape’ ·

READ: Transcript of the Corrib rape ‘tape’ ·

not about clergy abuse but when you see these garda will not be punished then you can see why clergy sexual abuse was 'overlooked' by the gardai!

it's a disgraceful state of affairs that gardai can even say these things and nothing really happen to bring them to book.

Orthodox Abuse Suspects Get Exemption –

Orthodox Abuse Suspects Get Exemption –

what utter nonesense.

this is outrageous

Unlocking the culture of clergy sex abuse - Eureka Street

Unlocking the culture of clergy sex abuse - Eureka Street

read the comments...really sad stuff...

Trial: Priest told of attempted seminary gang rape

Trial: Priest told of attempted seminary gang rape

there is alot more to come out about what happens in seminaries.  this does not surprise me in the least.

‘Radical feminist’ nuns ruffle feathers in the Vatican

‘Radical feminist’ nuns ruffle feathers in the Vatican

many of these nuns can not be described as 'radical feminists' ;  it is the vatican who thus labelled them.  however any woman who seeks to be independent of male control is regarded as a 'radical feminist', ditto any woman who challenge men. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Former Priest Faces New Sex Abuse Allegations

Former Priest Faces New Sex Abuse Allegations

church of england priest abuse

Why our priests are being silenced by the vatican - Opinion, Frontpage -

Why our priests are being silenced by the vatican - Opinion, Frontpage -

Group to hold vigil against Vatican’s silencing of liberal priests | Irish Examiner

Group to hold vigil against Vatican’s silencing of liberal priests | Irish Examiner

Dublin vigil for priests silenced by Vatican - Gina Menzies of We Are Church Ireland

Dublin vigil for priests silenced by Vatican - Gina Menzies of We Are Church Ireland

American nuns too feminist for the men of the Vatican

American nuns too feminist for the men of the Vatican

BBC News - Leader of 'radical' US nuns rejects Vatican criticism

BBC News - Leader of 'radical' US nuns rejects Vatican criticism

great stuff sister.

Voice of the Faithful Takes Nuns’ Side « Voice of the Faithful ®

Voice of the Faithful Takes Nuns’ Side « Voice of the Faithful ®

Friday, April 20, 2012

Former priest pleads guilty to sexual abuse charges - RTÉ News

Former priest pleads guilty to sexual abuse charges - RTÉ News



rape crises network of ireland's new blog.  looks really good. congrats RCNI

Options facing LCWR stark, canon lawyers say

Options facing LCWR stark, canon lawyers say

how dare the vatican treat these women like this.

we must all protest for the right of religious women to engage in their spiritual path according to how THEY feel the Holy Spirit is leading them.

all feminist groups, secular and religious must support these women.  you may not have a religious bone in your body but dare these fossilised men in the Vatican treat these women of intelligence, courage and integrity.

how dare they.  lets tell them we are not amused!  write to your papal nuncio.

Victims Criticise Church of England Safeguarding Failings - YouTube

Victims Criticise Church of England Safeguarding Failings - YouTube

anne lawrence of macsas has worked incredibly hard to uncover this, together with two very brave brothers who were victims.  never let it be said that any church, of its own volition did the right thing!  victims are up there uncovering the truth...not those who pretend to be 'in loco christus'

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Solicitor David Greenwood wants public inquiry into abuse at Market Weighton Catholic care home | This is Hull and East Riding

Solicitor David Greenwood wants public inquiry into abuse at Market Weighton Catholic care home | This is Hull and East Riding

Child sex abuse in the Church: alliance demands full inquiry - Crime - UK - The Independent

Child sex abuse in the Church: alliance demands full inquiry - Crime - UK - The Independent

BBC News - Vatican orders crackdown on 'radical' nuns in the US

BBC News - Vatican orders crackdown on 'radical' nuns in the US

well not a surprise.  the vatican's going mad trying to stop the Holy Spirit is like trying to stop a runnaway train heading straight for you.  and it's the Vatican that will be the worse off too. 

pray please the nuns keep going

Priest trial witness cites report on W. Va. bishop -

Priest trial witness cites report on W. Va. bishop -

more comes out at trial.  a bishop accused.

Solicitor David Greenwood wants public inquiry into abuse at Market Weighton Catholic care home | This is Hull and East Riding

Solicitor David Greenwood wants public inquiry into abuse at Market Weighton Catholic care home | This is Hull and East Riding

England really must have a statory inquiry.  too much has happened and there has been cover-up.  we need to know the truth

Report: Protestant Church Insurers Handle 260 Sex Abuse Cases a Year

Report: Protestant Church Insurers Handle 260 Sex Abuse Cases a Year

this article a few years old now but is testimony that we just have NOT looked closely at what is happening in protestant churches.

The Tablet - Memorial for abused children

The Tablet - Memorial for abused children

this seems beautiful  however women [mary] should not be the only ones protecting children.  men need to as weel

Abuse as a child linked to longer term homeless

Abuse as a child linked to longer term homeless

Irish priest who fled US after sex abuse finding protests innocence - National News -

Irish priest who fled US after sex abuse finding protests innocence - National News -

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Priest returns to Ireland |

Priest returns to Ireland |

Shatter backtracks on collusion of State in laundries | Irish Examiner

Shatter backtracks on collusion of State in laundries | Irish Examiner

this man was so good as an opposition politican, he's turning out to be the turncoat in government.  very very disappointing indeed.

Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog: Canon Law Expert: Cardinal Bevilacqua Obstructed Justice

Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog: Canon Law Expert: Cardinal Bevilacqua Obstructed Justice

Abuse victims demand Royal Commission

Abuse victims demand Royal Commission

Calls for Royal Commission into Catholic Church

Calls for Royal Commission into Catholic Church

Catholic church says it would support an inquiry - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Catholic church says it would support an inquiry - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Inquiry to examine handling of sex abuse complaints

Inquiry to examine handling of sex abuse complaints

Voiceless Victim

Voiceless Victim

an australian victim's blog

Victoria to hold wide-ranging inquiry into church sex abuse cases | The Australian

Victoria to hold wide-ranging inquiry into church sex abuse cases | The Australian

Church, police under scrutiny in Ballarat over sex abuse - Local News - News - General - The Courier

Church, police under scrutiny in Ballarat over sex abuse - Local News - News - General - The Courier

Inquiry to examine handling of sex abuse complaints - ABC Melbourne - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Inquiry to examine handling of sex abuse complaints - ABC Melbourne - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Vic clergy child sex inquiry welcomed

Vic clergy child sex inquiry welcomed

Vic govt under fire over church inquiry

Vic govt under fire over church inquiry

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Clergy Child Sexual Abuse: The Restorative Justice Paradigm

Clergy Child Sexual Abuse: The Restorative Justice Paradigm

does it work?  is it really justice?

Philadelphia Catholic Abuse Trial, Rev. Thomas P. Doyle and His Surprising Admission

Philadelphia Catholic Abuse Trial, Rev. Thomas P. Doyle and His Surprising Admission

Video - Clergy sexual abuse issue 'widespread' - The Sydney Morning Herald

Video - Clergy sexual abuse issue 'widespread' - The Sydney Morning Herald

Parishoners to be hit for even more money - National News -

Parishoners to be hit for even more money - National News -

a crisis -- you bet!

Reynolds libel case woman: They got me wrong - National News -

Reynolds libel case woman: They got me wrong - National News -

who is telling the truth?  is this woman afraid of something? did RTE make a collosal mistake? why is she speaking out now?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dublin Review of Books | Looking Into The Dark - Confronting Clerical Child Sex Abuse - Gerry Kearns

Dublin Review of Books | Looking Into The Dark - Confronting Clerical Child Sex Abuse - Gerry Kearns

Spain's Stolen-Babies Scandal: Empty Graves and a Silent Nun - TIME

Spain's Stolen-Babies Scandal: Empty Graves and a Silent Nun - TIME

shame...How do I really feel that I was brought up a Catholic and in my own case saw nor experienced any pain at all.  even in my thirties as a practicing Catholic there was nothing but joy in my parish thanks to two very special priests.  This happened whilst all around me there was abuse, and terrible crimes against women and children. I feel 'cold' and deep sadness and anger for the victims.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spanish nun in court over 'stolen babies' - RTÉ News

Spanish nun in court over 'stolen babies' - RTÉ News

i feel saddened by this nuns face and wonder why , if she is guilty, she was drawn to do such things? 

Priests 'treated like imbeciles' - Yahoo! News UK

Priests 'treated like imbeciles' - Yahoo! News UK

irish priest hits back at vatican probe into irish church



be informed.  stay 'clued in'  read. Fr Tom Doyle educates us well and fears no Vatican

Paraclete Report

Paraclete Report

This is a damning report by Fr Tom Doyle concerning the 'treatment' of clergy sex abusers by Church run facilities in America, UK and Ireland.

There is an horrendous case of an Irish Priest re-assigned to parishes after several treatment programmes.

A passing reference is made to the St John of God treatment centre in Dublin where this priest was treated twice and returned to ministry.  I once visited this place.  It was a lovely old country house in the midst of rolling fields but adjacent to a new built housing estate.  Offenders had an array of treatment facilities, and ambled in leafy glades whilst not far from there patients (victims of clergy abusers) were in the lock up wards of the same St John of God order tanked up to the eyeballs with drugs.  The contrast was obscene.  I had to promise I would never reveal the location of the facility so assume the residents in the housing estate never got to discover there were sex offenders getting off the Dublin buses at their doorsteps to visit as outpatients for treatment. Maybe we should now demand what sort of 'record' the Stroud UK centre & The St John of God centre actually had. and how much risk THEY put children in by recommending return to ministry DESPITE re-abusing and return to treatment.

Settlements are reached in clergy sex abuse cases -

Settlements are reached in clergy sex abuse cases -

a whistleblower was an abuser too!  what a great way to cover your tracks!

MACSAS: Ministry and Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors

MACSAS: Ministry and Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors

make a visit to macsas website.  irish victims of abuse might like to be part of the irish research?

Mass. lawyer releases 6 new accused clerics' names -

Mass. lawyer releases 6 new accused clerics' names -

Many will ask why do this if the perpetrators are dead?  Is there any benefit in knowing the names of dead perpetrators?  Resoundedly YES!

Many victims will benefit in knowing that THEIR abuser is known, THEIR abuser has been 'outed'  and it will help them realise they may not be alone.  They can now speak out clearly.

The other message is to the Church.  You may seek to 'cover-up' even after death but in the end the names will be named!  The fact you don't do it yourselves only speakes of your dishonest and hypocritical 'christianity'.  for the last thing you seem to want to do is heal victims.

Easter Sunday Protest 8th April 2012 - music by Antonio Paulo Pizzimenti

Easter Sunday Protest 8th April 2012 - music by Antonio Paulo Pizzimenti

here in ireland...still much pain.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Silenced priest told to reflect on situation - The Irish Times - Wed, Apr 11, 2012

Silenced priest told to reflect on situation - The Irish Times - Wed, Apr 11, 2012

800 priests in Ireland are members of the new ACP.  one of their leaders is 'silenced' by the Vatican.  Just when a ray of hope shines through the murky clouds of clergy abuse here, in the shape of the ACP the Vatican is getting twitchy.  These 800 priests must stand behind this leader.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Priests warn Vatican over move to censor Flannery |

Priests warn Vatican over move to censor Flannery |

looks like we here in Ireland beginning to have a voice of challage against the Vatican.  thanks be to God, resurrection is happening in this land.  The resurrection of what Jesus is all about. 

A World of Their Own

A World of Their Own

abuse victims feeling isolated/alone

Catholica Forum - Please Bleed - A plea to church leaders on behalf of abuse victims/survivors.

Catholica Forum - Please Bleed - A plea to church leaders on behalf of abuse victims/survivors.

The Catholica Video Channel

The Catholica Video Channel

the magdalene sisters:  a disturbng film about what happened to girls in Ireland even as I  grew up in the sheltered middle class home in Killiney.  for largely what happened to girls in Ireland happened to poor, country girls.  though not exclusively.  this video is distressing. watch with care.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Most priests prone to call of flesh, says Kerala nun

Most priests prone to call of flesh, says Kerala nun

Letter sent to the CBCI President/Archbishop to declare the name of the alleged Bishop who fathered a child

Letter sent to the CBCI President/Archbishop to declare the name of the alleged Bishop who fathered a child

Vic group wants independent inquiry letter read out at Easter - CathNews

Vic group wants independent inquiry letter read out at Easter - CathNews

NSW A-G accused of bias in abuse case

NSW A-G accused of bias in abuse case

'shoot the messanger' - yep all victims want is money! 

Not In Our Name

Not In Our Name

an interesting site.  glad to see catholic and protestant side by side in this organisations remit to challage abuse

Judge won't unseal documents in Milwaukee archdiocesan bankruptcy case - JSOnline

Judge won't unseal documents in Milwaukee archdiocesan bankruptcy case - JSOnline

pretty damn sick..the church says they want to protect victims anonimity, the victims want the files 'unsealed'.  This is how far the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church goes.

Vatican To Prevent Child Abuse By Allowing Homosexual Relations Between Priests | Common Sense Conspiracy

Vatican To Prevent Child Abuse By Allowing Homosexual Relations Between Priests | Common Sense Conspiracy

not sure how valid this report is.

Silence and self-rule: Brooklyn's Orthodox child abuse cover-up | World news |

Silence and self-rule: Brooklyn's Orthodox child abuse cover-up | World news |

we need to look at other faiths where sexual abuse is covered up

BBC NEWS | UK | Paedophile cases haunt the church

BBC NEWS | UK | Paedophile cases haunt the church

a report in 2000 but worth re-looking at.

Was Pope Paul VI Replaced by an Impostor? by John Hubbard

Was Pope Paul VI Replaced by an Impostor? by John Hubbard

nothing to do with abuse...but fascinating indeed

New questions over A-G's link to embattled priest - ABC Sydney - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

New questions over A-G's link to embattled priest - ABC Sydney - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

A General Comment: Fundamental qustions must be asked of priests, bishops, Archbishops links to political and Police senior representatives. whilst I'm not trying to look at 'conspiracies' here, nonetheless there is sufficient evidence worldwide to suggest the Church has NOT always acted alone.  Nor have some sex offender clergy.

Column: New rules for sex offenders aren’t an option, they’re a no-brainer

Column: New rules for sex offenders aren’t an option, they’re a no-brainer

Monday, April 2, 2012

Abuse victim welcomes notice of audit by Spiritans - The Irish Times - Mon, Apr 02, 2012

Abuse victim welcomes notice of audit by Spiritans - The Irish Times - Mon, Apr 02, 2012

Priest Martin McVeigh 'Accidentally Showed Gay Porn' During Primary School Presentation

Priest Martin McVeigh 'Accidentally Showed Gay Porn' During Primary School Presentation

Priest Martin McVeigh 'Accidentally Showed Gay Porn' During Primary School Presentation

Priest Martin McVeigh 'Accidentally Showed Gay Porn' During Primary School Presentation

Priest probed over indecent images

Priest probed over indecent images

RTÉ awaits BAI sanction over libel

RTÉ awaits BAI sanction over libel

Column: Symphysiotomy was seen as a gateway to childbearing without limits

Column: Symphysiotomy was seen as a gateway to childbearing without limits

Ireland's Catholic Church legacy.  The worst of Catholicism seems to have come forth from this island.

Archdiocese investigating report of ‘inappropriate imagery’ shown at primary school

Archdiocese investigating report of ‘inappropriate imagery’ shown at primary school

yep 'inappropriate imagery' is in fact PORN ...shown on powerpoint to parents! 

Garda sergeants want tighter sex offender rules

Garda sergeants want tighter sex offender rules

news from Ireland. 

The Servants of the Word

The Servants of the Word

does anyone have any information on this group of brothers

Monday, March 26, 2012

Detailed reports for Holy See eyes only | The God Squad

Detailed reports for Holy See eyes only | The God Squad

Report ‘almost farcical’ in places | The God Squad

Report ‘almost farcical’ in places | The God Squad

Report ‘almost farcical’ in places | The God Squad

Report ‘almost farcical’ in places | The God Squad

Benedict XVI attacks bishops conniving with drug lords and paedophile Maciel - Vatican Insider

Benedict XVI attacks bishops conniving with drug lords and paedophile Maciel - Vatican Insider

yeh well, he didn't meet any Maciel victims did he?

Clerical power thwarts victims in Poland

Clerical power thwarts victims in Poland

we should 'rise up'  no other way to go! 

no apology by pope will mean anything while this sort of thing continues. hypocrites the lot of them!

Sexual Abuse Is Not Just A Catholic Problem | Via Meadia

Sexual Abuse Is Not Just A Catholic Problem | Via Meadia

dead right!  fair is fair, lets support all victims of abuse perpetrated by those alleging they are 'god's chosen'!

Voice from the Desert » 2012 » March » 16

Voice from the Desert » 2012 » March » 16

News: stop baptist predators


it's time we focused on other denominations.  all victims of pastors, clergy, ministers need justice.  this isn't just a 'catholic' issue.

Stop Church Child Abuse - Association of Child Abuse Lawyers

Stop Church Child Abuse - Association of Child Abuse Lawyers

we must press for public inquiries in the uk re clergy sexual abuse.  in the case of the uk the church of england is in need of complete 'uncovering' after decades of silence as media focused on the catholic church.  the victims of anglican clergy abusers now deserve for their plight to be heard loudly

Trial to expose 'decades of child sex abuse coverup' in the Catholic archdiocese of Philadelphia | Mail Online

Trial to expose 'decades of child sex abuse coverup' in the Catholic archdiocese of Philadelphia | Mail Online

hope this case finally proves the role of hiararchy and vatican in 'cover-up'

Clergy child sexual abuse: the restorative justice paradigm

Clergy child sexual abuse: the restorative justice paradigm

i'm not a mad fan of 'restorative justice where child sexual abuse is concerned.  nor in favour if it lets perpetrators or churches 'off the hook'.

Spiritual abuse Counsellor in the UK | Counselling and sexual abuse support

Spiritual abuse Counsellor in the UK | Counselling and sexual abuse support

This website is run by two very GOOD people.  Both sit on MACSAS committee.

Well done - good work here

Friday, March 16, 2012

Father Guarnizo Takes On Cardinal Wuerl | National Catholic Reporter

Father Guarnizo Takes On Cardinal Wuerl | National Catholic Reporter

a better write up of this debacle

On The News : The betrayal of Father Guarnizo - Catholic Culture

On The News : The betrayal of Father Guarnizo - Catholic Culture

What an awful article.  This is noy about clergy sexual abuse but how one priest refused holy communion to a lesbian woman at her mothers funeral.  The author says the woman had no right to present herself for communion given her 'immoral ways', and says elsewhere that those who are 'wayward' are subject to damnation. 

can this person and all who believe this drivel be really called CHRISTIAN.

Victims object to pedophile priest's burial in full vestments

Victims object to pedophile priest's burial in full vestments

there is a huge gap between 'church understanding' and 'victims hurt'.

to say the church really understands the hurt of survivors is completely laughable.  no conference in Rome reaches to the heart of how survivors feel.  it's time we survivors stood up to tell the christian churches 'you do not get it' and furthermore 'you don't seem to want to get it'.

Defending SNAP

Defending SNAP

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Archbishop of Dublin challenges the Church - 60 Minutes - CBS News

The Archbishop of Dublin challenges the Church - 60 Minutes - CBS News

The Catholic Church's "whistleblower"

The Catholic Church's "whistleblower"

archbishop diarmuid martin dublin. 

a complex character. not all sweetness and roses by the way!

THE CELTIC DIABLO: Reverend Brendan Smyth O.Prae

THE CELTIC DIABLO: Reverend Brendan Smyth O.Prae

Roman Catholic Church Attacks Sex Abuse Victims

Roman Catholic Church Attacks Sex Abuse Victims

we know whats going on...the catholic church is becoming vicious in its treatment of victims just as it apoligies, kisses floors and feet of victims(dublin).  the hypocrisy is astounding

THE CELTIC DIABLO: Reverend Brendan Smyth O.Prae

THE CELTIC DIABLO: Reverend Brendan Smyth O.Prae

ireland's most prolific sex abuser. he spent time in America where i think he abused also.

Catholic sex abuse cases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Catholic sex abuse cases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
pretty comprehensive.  worth reading but cannot know if all content okay!

Blessed Sacrament » Blog Archive » New Chair for the National Catholic Safeguarding Commission

Blessed Sacrament » Blog Archive » New Chair for the National Catholic Safeguarding Commission

well background looks good.

Danny Sullivan - Chair of the National …

Danny Sullivan - Chair of the National …

New safeguarding chairman appointed

New safeguarding chairman appointed

How independent can he be when his line managers are Bishops.  He was picked by Bishops. wait and see, he might surprise us!

Clerical Abusers and the First Amendment -

Clerical Abusers and the First Amendment -

well done NYT

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

SNAP, the bishops and a lesson in ecclesiology | National Catholic Reporter

SNAP, the bishops and a lesson in ecclesiology | National Catholic Reporter

a powerful piece from tom doyle

The Tablet - Cardinal Brady and Religious vow to open up records for NI abuse inquiry

The Tablet - Cardinal Brady and Religious vow to open up records for NI abuse inquiry

Aiding Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse: What’s a Good Samaritan to Do? | The National Law Review

Aiding Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse: What’s a Good Samaritan to Do? | The National Law Review

Stand Firm | Yet Another Sex Abuse Scandal by a member of the Episcopal clergy

Stand Firm | Yet Another Sex Abuse Scandal by a member of the Episcopal clergy

we must always remember child sexual abuse is perpetrated by clergy of all christian denominations and by church leaders of all religions. just we don't get to hear of it.

Retired priest bailed over child abuse claims | This is Sussex

Retired priest bailed over child abuse claims | This is Sussex

Retired priest bailed over child abuse claims

Retired priest bailed over child abuse claims

Priest accused of abuse dies

Priest accused of abuse dies

N.Y. archbishop fights child abuse legislation

N.Y. archbishop fights child abuse legislation

they don't stop do they?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Catholic priest jailed for child sex abuse

Catholic priest jailed for child sex abuse

Ten Common Myths about the Sexual Abuse of Minors and Vulnerable Adults by Clerics | Patrick J. Wall

Ten Common Myths about the Sexual Abuse of Minors and Vulnerable Adults by Clerics | Patrick J. Wall

Cardinal Brady meets clerical abuse victims - RTÉ News

Cardinal Brady meets clerical abuse victims - RTÉ News

well he's good at meeting people...will anything come of it?  most of these occasions are PR exercises. nothing more.

The Truth About Falsely Accused Priests

The Truth About Falsely Accused Priests

he quotes NO  research to underpine his assertions.  he states "i have heard that half of accusations are false" .

this is hardly evidence based truth!

We should pray for all those clergy falsely accused of sexual abuse |

We should pray for all those clergy falsely accused of sexual abuse |

articles concerning 'falsely accused' priests proliferating in catholic press. there is a backlash beginning, and it's against victims. for every article implies there are huge numbers of false allegations.  this is simply not true.

survivors must counter every article.