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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Systermans: Father Wilfred Systermans sac | Sylvia's Site

Systermans: Father Wilfred Systermans sac | Sylvia's Site

if anyone has any information about fr Wilfred please let me know.  on going inquiry needs more information.  especially from the UK where he is believed to have also served.


  1. I was baptised in 1977 by a Wilfrid (maybe Wilfred, the handwriting is hard to read) Systermans in Our Lady Queen of Peace, Sheen Road, Richmond, diocese of Southward in the UK

  2. W.systerman war vor Jahren erzieher bei den pallottinern in salzburg. Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, wurde er über Nacht wegen eines mir nicht bekannten Vorfalls versetzt.
