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Friday, May 30, 2014

SNAP is wrong to discourage victims from meeting the pope | National Catholic Reporter

SNAP is wrong to discourage victims from meeting the pope | National Catholic Reporter

I have my reservations about victims/survivors meeting the Pope.  However if they way they were CHOSEN changed I'd be a happier woman...

  1. Open invitation to all victim groups to send survivors...not just carefully chosen, vetted, safe, survivors!
  2. No gag clauses
  3. meeting openly attended by journalists who can be given some advice on how to report victims stories/views in safety...but no gag clauses for journalists.
  4. Survivors set the agenda, order of meeting and how meeting takes place.  the POWER must reside with the victims
If Pope Francis is really professing a NEW direction then how he meets victims must also demonstrate

a sharing of power, a openness and transparency and no secrets.

I believe such a meeting could be beneficial but I do not like any such meeting billed as a 'healing' event which posits the victims as NEEDING HEALING FROM THE POPE!   This is patronising and pathologising.

If the meeting is in the full control of the Vatican I would not be happy. I'd want to know that MY agenda was being heard and facilitated.

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