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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Confessions of a skeptic

Confessions of a skeptic

if you want to follow 'ealing abbey' here's the blog

1 comment:

  1. you are wasting your time. the law is tri polar. as children in these places we are merely commodites, to be traded around until we are spent. the police are commited to treating victims like liers, when they have proved to themselves that you are not lying they stick it in front of some pedo judge who has it in his interest to proclaim 'no crime here' job done. no boats are rocked snafu. according to british law trying to castrate and sodomize a child with a scaffolding pole is fine, its perfectlly acceptable. Thats the law at least my own experience of it.after this happens the police try and cover up by trying to section you for reporting the crime in the first place
